東善寺花だより   小栗上野介の墓前に遺愛の名花・小栗椿
  Tozenji Temple Flower Report
Oguri Camellia, cherished flower at the graveside of Kozukenosuke Oguri

墓前に遺愛の名花 小栗椿 おぐりつばき
Graves of Kozukenosuke Oguri, his son, and his vassals
Oguri Camellia, Cherished Flowers at the Graveside

星野 富弘 
(上毛新聞 2003平成15年1月1日)
"I am most interested in painting the Oguri camellia at Tozenji Temple now. I find it romantic that Kozukenosuke Oguri ended his life without public recognition or praise."  Tomihiro Hoshino  (The Jomo Shimbun, January 1, 2003)

小 栗 椿       黒椿「崑崙黒こんろんこく  

Oguri Tsubaki: Black camellia "Konron-koku"


After Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son were killed by the Western forces, their garden plants were among their goods that arrived at the Kurgano river bank (today's Takasaki City) from Edo. Since Kozukenosuke Oguri had already been killed, the goods were auctioned off, and "potted camellia" and "peony" were purchased by Tonazou Taguchi, the feudal lord of Shimoarida Village (today's Takasaki City), the former domain of the Oguri family. In the first year of Meiji Era, villagers in Gonda built graves for Kozukenosuke Oguri, his son and his vassals. When Taguchi heard about this, he came to pay his respects and planted near the graves the potted camellia and peony that he had brought with him.

The camellia continues to bloom by the graves every year.  

Although the camellia is more than a hundred years old, the trunk is not so thick because of the cold climate. Every spring, the blackish double-petaled flowers bloom in profusion by the grave. It is the famous black camellia called "Konron-Koku."


  非業ひごうの死 悼いたむ墓守 黒椿

              玉村町 佐藤安代

Black camellia that Tadamasa Oguri loved is still blooming even after his death. Lord Oguri will be with his beloved black camellia even in the future.                                Yasuyo Sato, Tamamura Town

ことし2024(令和6)年の開花は 月6日でした。
2024(令和6年)は4月6日 昨年夏の高温少雨のせいか蕾が少ない
2023 (令和5年)は3月14日 数日来ものすごいスギ花粉 
2022(令和4年)は3月27日 昨年12月から一ヶ月以上降雨なし、寒さも厳しい冬でした
2020(令和2)年は:3月10日  花が少なく例年の1/3
2016(平成28年)は:2月25日 異常に早い
2004(平成16)年は:3月17日 異常に早かったです。

◇メール:tozen**@clock.ocn.ne.jp へどうぞ。**は、隠し文字です。電話でお問い合わせください。
◇電話027-378-2230 東善寺

Flowering Information

This year (2022), it bloomed on March 27. Although the blooming season differs each year, most of the flowers bloom from mid-March to mid-April. In the past 20 years, the earliest was February 25 and the latest was April 20.

* If you would like to see the blooming condition, please contact us by e-mail or phone for flowering information.
* Email to tozen**@clock.ocn.ne.jp : A few characters are hidden for spam mail prevention measures.
* Phone to 027-378-2230 (Tozenji) for the hidden characters.



■ Shakuyaku (Poeny)

The peony, also planted by Tonazou Taguchi, blooms beside the bust of Kozukenosuke Oguri. At first, it was planted near the grave along with camellia, but it did not flower well in the shade, so former abbot Shoken Murakami replanted it next to the bust after the bust was built. The two-tiered petals of this peony are unusual.

Flowering in 2016 (Heisei 28): May 24

▲ June 1, 2005 or Heisei 17

Graves of Kozukenosuke Oguri, his adopted son Mataichi, and his vassals


- The graves of Kozukenosuke Oguri, his adopted son Mataichi, and his vassals were erected by the villagers of Gonda in the first year of Meiji era (1868). The graves of the Oguri father and son are in the front, and the graves of their vassals, their families, and villagers who died in the Aizu War are lined up five by five on the left and right.

- These are memorial tombs. The main tombs, where Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son's bodies and the heads stolen back from Tatebayashi are buried, are located 2 to 3 minutes up the hill from the memorial tombs.

Reference: Welcoming Oguri's head to Tozenji Temple

◆ Grave layout of the tombs of Kozukenosuke Oguri, Mataichi Oguri, Kozukenosuke's adopted son, and his vassals

小栗上野介忠順 四十二歳

小栗又一忠道  二十一歳  
塚越富五郎    二十三歳

佐藤銀十郎    二十一歳

渡辺太三郎    二十歳


荒川(江幡)祐蔵 三十六歳
塚本真彦 37歳  
■              ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
沓掛藤五郎 25歳 ■                             
多田金之助 20歳 ■
塚本 ミツ     ■
塚本チカ 7歳位 ■


◆小栗上野介忠順 水沼河原で西軍によって斬首される。享年42
◆荒川(江幡)祐蔵  同 上。常陸国出身、遣米使節に随行。水沼河原で斬首される。
◆大井磯十郎     同 上。権田村出身の家臣。水沼河原で斬首される。
◆渡部太三郎     同 上。江戸から権田村へ随行し、水沼河原で斬首される。
◆佐藤銀十郎     権田村出身の家臣。小栗道子夫人らを護衛して会津に到り、会津軍に参加して喜多方市熊倉で戦死
◆塚越富五郎     権田村出身。農民  同上 喜多方市高郷地区一竿(ひとさお)で戦死

◆小栗又一忠道   養嗣子 高崎城内で西軍によって斬首され、遺体は下斉田村に葬ら
              れる。仏語伝習所第一期卒業生 享年21。
◆塚本真彦      小栗家用人。遣米使節に随行。 同 上。
◆沓掛藤五郎     江戸から権田へ随行し、高崎城内で斬首される。 同 上。
◆多田金之助      江戸から権田へ随行し、高崎城内で斬首される。 同 上

◆塚本マキ(ミツ)   真彦の母。七日市へ逃れる途中村内の山中で孫シサ(チカ)と共に自害
◆塚本シサ(チカ)   真彦の娘。  同 上
*名前は東善寺過去帳による。( )は下田家墓地の墓碑による

The personages of the tombs are as follows:

- Kozukenosuke Tadamasa Oguri: Oguri was beheaded by the Western Army at Mizunuma River Bank when he was 42 years old.
- Yuzo Arakawa (Ebata): Arakawa was a native of Hitachi Province (today's Ibaraki Prefecture). He accompanied the Japanese envoy to the U.S.A. in 1860. He was beheaded by the Western Army at Mizunuma River Bank.
- Isojuro Ooi: Ooi was an Oguri's vassal from Gonda village. Ooi was beheaded by the Western Army at Mizunuma River Bank.
- Tasaburo Watanabe: Watanabe accompanied Kozukenosuke Oguri from Edo to Gonda Village. He was beheaded by the Western Army at Mizunuma River Bank.
- Ginjuro Sato: Sato was an Oguri's vassal from Gonda village. He escorted Mrs. Michiko Oguri, wife of Kozukenosuke Oguri, and others to Aizu. He then joined the Aizu Army and was killed in Kumakura, Kitakata City.
- Tomigoro Tsukagoshi: Tsukagoshi was born in Gonda village. He was killed in battle at Hitosao, Takasato, Kitakata City.

- Mataichi Tadamichi Oguri: Mataichi Oguri was an adoptive heir of Kozukenosuke Oguri. He was one of the first graduates of the French Language School in Yokohama. He was beheaded by the Western Army in Takasaki Castle when he was 21 years old. His body was buried in Shimosaida Village.
- Mahiko Tsukamoto: Tsukamoto was a servant of the Oguri family. He accompanied the Japanese envoy to the U.S. He was beheaded in Takasaki Castle together with Mataichi Oguri and others and his body was buried in Shimosaida Village.

- Togoro Kutsuskake: Kutsukake accompanied Kozukenosuke Oguri from Edo to Gonda Village. He was beheaded in Takasaki Castle together with Mataichi Oguri and others and his body was buried in Shimosaida Village.
- Kinnosuke Tada: Tada accompanied Kozukenosuke Oguri from Edo to Gonda Village. He was beheaded in Takasaki Castle together with Mataichi Oguri and others and his body was buried in Shimosaida Village.

- Maki Tsukamoto (Mitsu): Maki is Mahiko Tsukamoto's mother. On the way from Gonda Village to Nanokaichi (today's Tomioka City, Gunma Prefecture), she and her granddaughter Shisa (Chika) committed suicide in the mountain.
- Shisa (Chika) Tsukamoto: Shisa is a daughter of Mahiko Tsukamoto. On the way from Gonda Village to Nanokaichi (today's Tomioka City, Gunma Prefecture), Shisa and her grandmother, Maki, committed suicide in the mountain.        

* Note: The names are based on Tozenji's family register of deaths. The names in ( ) are based on the tombstones in the Shimosaida Cemetery.

「恨みで花が黒くなった」!? のではありません 

「小栗上野介が江戸から運んできたこの椿は、小栗の恨みで花が黒く変わりました・・・」 私は仰天した。初めて聞く話だ! そんな不気味な椿はない。


"The camellia flowers turned black because of resentment." No, they did not!

When I was cleaning up the garden of Tozenji, I heard a voice from a microphone explaining the tombs of Kozukenosuke Oguri, his son and his retainers, as a tour-guide association came to guide a group.
"This camellia that Kozukenosuke Oguri brought from Edo turns its flowers black because of Oguri's resentment..."
I was astonished. This was the first time I had heard that kind of story! No camellia is that eerie. I told a member of the association who happened to be nearby, "There is no such story. I don't want you to make up stories. Is it written in the text of your group?"
The person replied, "No, we are all speaking from a book written by the priest."
I said, "I've never written such stories. I don't want you to make up crazy stories."
He patted me on the shoulder over-familiarly and said, "Well, why not?"

When I told him more strongly, "I want you to stop making up stories that are not based on history," he was astonished.  Cheap fictions desecrate history.
                                                  (March 2016)



[Related Pages]

Historic sites in Kurabuchi Town
: Cenotaph in honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri at Mizunuma River Bank, Aima River, etc.
Welcoming Oguri's head to Tozenji Temple: Gonda villagers stole and retrieved the heads of Kozukenosuke Oguri and his son.
Mrs. Michiko Oguri who fled to Aizu: Hardship escape, Kuniko, Kozukenosuke Oguri's daughter, born in Aizu, deaths of Gonda villagers in battle who escorted Michiko to Aizu
Activities in Honor of Kozukenosuke Oguri
: Escape to Aizu, Oguri Festival, etc.
Mountain trip to Akiyamago along the "Road of History": Walking along the steep mountain path where Mrs. Michiko escaped